dwellstead offers a unique suite of services to help you renovate an historic home so that it retains its historic character and charm and performs to the highest energy conservation standards while avoiding the use of petrochemically -based products as much as possible.

OUR PROCESS begins helping you identify a property that is right for you, based on your goals and budget.
We help you find and purchase the property most appropriate for preservation and green renovation to turn into your dream home
We help you to triage your project by identifying what must be done, what you would like to have done, and what you wish could be done
Our architect advises you on the key structural and energy considerations before drafting his design
We create 3-dimensional designs of key rooms such as kitchens and baths
We create a scope of work document that describes the work in great detail
We create other scope of work documents to obtain energy tax credits, historic tax credits worth up to 20% of eligible construction costs, and other tax exemptions

We create a detailed budget to include materials, labor, mechanicals and all the finishes and fixtures and a financial documentation process to facilitate financing
We create a project timeline—this is a shared spread sheet template that facilitates budgeting and planning and engages decision-making, a live document that you will share with your general contractor and sub-contractors so that everyone is kept abreast of the project progress
We help connect you to our network of wonderful craftsmen, electricians, plumbers, masons and jacks-of-all trades